Work Permit


All students age 17 & younger seeking employment are required by PA law to apply for a work permit. Students are not permitted to work prior to obtaining the official work permit.


During the school year, students may obtain work permit applications by stopping in the counseling center.


Over the summer months, you may stop in the high school main office Monday - Thursday between 8 am-3 pm. Please be aware the office is closed on Fridays.

A parent/guardian must sign the application. Proof of age (e.g., birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport, or driver’s license) must be presented before the official work permit can be issued.


The student returns the application to the school (the student must be present to sign the work permit). If all information is completed correctly and proof of age has been provided, a work permit will be issued. The student may then begin working immediately.


A transferrable Work Permit (Blue card) is issued to all students once the application is completed. This card remains in possession of the student and is shown to new employers should the student change jobs. The current employer will need to see the blue card and is required to make a copy for their files. It is the student’s responsibility to keep this card until they turn 18 years of age.

Please click below for answers to frequently asked questions regarding work permits from the PA Department of Education.